For more than 14 years, Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation has been assisting needy children with cancer!
Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. has been actively assisting needy children with cancer
and their families since 2010, increasing their impact and broadening their reach from east to west.
7600 Hyannis Lane
Parkland, FL 33067
Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to raise funds to help needy pediatric cancer families pay their bills, support Ewing's Sarcoma research and support the four memorial funds set up in Arielle Anacker's name. Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. is headquartered at 7600 Hyannis Lane, Parkland, FL 33067 and may be reached at (954) 249-5748. To obtain a copy of the Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. annual report or license, you may contact directly. Residents of the state(s) listed may proceed as follows: CA: Our registration # is CT0207704. FL: Our registration # is CH32902. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800-435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. MD: Our registration # is 25465. A copy of the current financial statement of the Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. is available by writing 7600 Hyannis Lane, Parkland, FL 33067 or by calling (954) 249-5748. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534.MI: Our registration # is 53643. NJ: INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THATWERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING 973-504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AThttp://www.state.nj.us/lps/ca/charfrm.htm. REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. PA: Our registration # is 42336. The official registration and financial information of the Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. SC: Our registration # is P27411.Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please contact your tax advisor. ONE MOTHER, ONE DAUGHTER, ONE PROMISE! ®
©2024 Arielle Anacker Cancer Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.